About Us
Stoners life all began with three guys from Snead Island, Florida with nothing better to do than recreationally pull stone crab traps every Sunday during the season. Sounds glamorous but the reality for those of you that have not harvested stone crab claws, it requires a lot of work building traps, baiting, pulling, cleaning, blah, blah.
Oh, but the sweet white meat of the stone crab claws makes it all just right!
Well, after a few decades of braving the weather and coming home smelling like a dead possum in the road, we got to thinking. I’m sure there are others out there that enjoy this life as a pastime and probably some of those that enjoy a more relaxed life which is where we came up with the brand called Stoners Life.
From there we relaxed and had a few cold ones and created some characters to add some humor to stone crabs and Stoners Life.
We hope you enjoy both versions of our designs and welcome you to relax and enjoy how you interpret your own Stoners Life.
Happy crabbing and relaxing or whatever you may call it!